Radio-Canada report on the Douglas Bell Canada Brain Bank


Listen to a recent interview with the Director of the Douglas Bell Canada Brain Bank, Dr. Naguib Mechawar on Radio-Canada (in French):    

Brain Bank feature on Télé Québec


Watch a feature about the Douglas Bell Canada Brain Bank , February 5 2015  at 7 PM on Télé-Québec.   The segment will air on the “Une pilule une petite granule” television show, and is titled : “Banque de cerveaux : pour étudier le suicide”.  Visit the television show website for more information:

IASR/AFSP International Summit on Suicide Research

IASR/AFSP International Summit on Suicide Research

SAVE THE DATES IASR/AFSP International Summit on Suicide Research October 11-14, 2015 Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City Preventing Suicide: Progress through Research The 2nd Biennial International Summit on Suicide Research, sponsored by the International Academy of Suicide Research in partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, will bring together suicide researchers studying topics … Read more

Brain Canada Platform Support Grant: Over $2 Million dollars for the Douglas-Bell Canada Brain Bank

A major Douglas-led project has been awarded a Brain Canada grant. The Douglas-Bell Canada Brain Bank, an essential platform for brain research in Canada will receive $2,028,000 in new funds under the Canada Brain Research Fund, half being provided by the Government of Canada and half provided by private donors, research institutions, provincial funding agencies, and charitable organizations partnering with the Brain Canada Foundation. This Brain Canada Platform Support Grant was obtained in part thanks to the support of several partners : Bell Canada, Santé , Économie, Innovation et Exportation Québec, the Réseau Québécois sur le suicide, les troubles de l’humeur et les troubles associés (FRQ-S), the Douglas Institute and Foundation.

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The Journal de Montréal visits the Brain Bank

Journal de Montréal cover

  The Journal de Montréal journalist  Sarah-Maude Lefebvre visited the Douglas Bell Canada Brain Bank and interviewed the Director of the Brain Bank, Naguib Mechawar.  A feature article about the Brain Bank was published May 3 and a video produced.   View the article and the video on the Journal de Montréal website:

A brain bank to understand suicide – a La Presse video

La Presse visited the Douglas Bell Canada Brain Bank during suicide prévention week 2014 and produced a news video.  Here is a description of the video (in French only) :  La Semaine nationale de prévention du suicide bat son plein. Le ministre de la Santé et des Services sociaux, Réjean Hébert, annoncera aujourd’hui une subvention … Read more

Montreal brain bank vital to international research

Interview with Naguib Mechawar, Director of the Brain Bank, in interview with Carmel Kilkenny, from Radio-Canada International.   Description: The Douglas-Bell Canada Brain Bank at Montreal’s Douglas Institute is the repository of thousands of autopsied brains and it’s where scientists from around the world turn when they need samples of human brain tissue for their research. … Read more

Inside the Quebec Brain Bank: Donations and withdrawals

A video made inside the Brain bank for The Gazette newspaper, by Hannah Hoag and Omar Majeed. Description: In this video by The Gazette, Brain Bank Coordinator Danielle Cécyre discusses donations to the bank, the “withdrawal” process for scientists, and the vital role specimens play in mental health research. (Warning: Some viewers may find the … Read more

Brain banks: Crucial for research, clamouring for donors

Excerpt: Brain banks. The work they do is not widely publicized — most people who consider signing donor cards think along the lines of organs such as the hearts and kidneys for transplant — but it's crucial for many researchers trying to understand the causes and characteristics of myriad diseases. "Brain donations and brain banks are absolutely … Read more